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A Utilização de Role Playing Games Digitais como Ferramenta Complementar no Processo de Aprendizagem de Crianças Deficientes Visuais

Felipe Sobral, Luan Umeres, William Schanoski, Roberta Bartelmebs, Marcos De Assis


The present work reports the construction of a digital game in the style Role Playing Game (RPG). This game was specifically elaborate for the work with children and adolescents with visual impairment. The main objective is the teaching of concepts in the Portuguese Language and Mathematics area for children and adolescents of Middle School I and II. The first tests with the beta version of the game demonstrated that it could be an excellent tool for digital inclusion of children and adolescents with visual impairment since it opens doors to a new type of games to be explored, as well as significant didactic-methodological support for to teachers to use in their classrooms.
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