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Diretrizes de Acessibilidade para Deficientes Visuais no Moodle: Guia para Professores

Edith Dos Santos Lemos, Giliane Bernardi, Josiane Pozzatti Dal-Forno


Education, which is to be democratic, must meet all learners. To support this process of inclusion, considering the use of Virtual Environments for Teaching and Learning (AVEA), different accessibility guidelines have been created to guide the creation of virtual courses and educational resources. However, what is observed is a shortage in relation to a closer relationship between the policies and their applicability in such an environment. Considering the AVEA Moodle, this article aims to show the creation of an accessibility guidelines guide to support teachers in developing their disciplines or courses when they require assistance to make available materials for visually impaired students and present them in a Learning Object in Moodle. After evaluation, it was concluded that this feature can help the teachers have ease in the organization and development of accessible educational content.
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