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Computational thinking in mathematics education : A joint approach to encourage problem-solving ability

Erick John Fidelis COSTA, Livia Maria Rodrigues Sampaio CAMPOS, Dalton Dario Serey GUERRERO


—In this paper, we analyzed whether the ability of stu- dents to solve problems can be influenced by the implementation of Computational Thinking (CT) in the teaching of mathematics. In this sense, we performed a quasi-experiment with students in the Brazilian's Basic Education Regular System (particularly in a group of students around fifteen years old) comparing their performance after being trained with practical activities using exercises in more or less conformity with well known CT concepts and capabilities. Considering the quantitative results obtained, the experimental group outperformed the control group, which worked with exercises in more and less conformity with CT, respectively. The results were statistically significant, suggesting that bringing together CT and mathematics through proper ad- justments of classroom practices can have a positive influence on students abilities of solving problems. In order to strengthen this conclusion we also performed a qualitative analysis comprising students and the teacher involved in the quasi-experiment that reinforced
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