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A leitura e a escrita em mutação: experiências no meio digital

Adair Aguiar Neitzel, Taíza Mara Rauen Moraes, Cleide Jussara Muller Pareja


This paper aims to discuss about the reading mutation that have occurred in the contemporary times, due to the access to new text platforms, such as the computer screen, tablets and mobile phones. It is about an analytical point of view, of qualitative character, supported by the works undertaken by Poulain (2012), Petit (2008), Bélisle (2011), Neitzel (2009), among others, on reading experiences and production experienced by graduating students of the Portuguese Language and Literature course of UNIVALI, scholarship students of the PIBID program in a Public High School of Barra Velha (SC/Brazil). The instruments of data collection were: portfolios written by the undergraduate graduating students of the Portuguese Language and Literature, scholarship students of PIBID available in the Sophia environment of the institution and interviews with High School students that took part of the survey. The results indicate: a) the discovery, by future Portuguese Language and Literature teachers, of the potentialities of the literary text in electronic media both for reading and textual production; b) exploration of multiple reading strategies in digital media; c) understanding of the concept of intertextuality through the romance Level 26 and production of links in the elaborated texts; d) analysis of the reading mediator’s role in the reader education process.
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