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Memes de internet nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa: algumas alternativas para o estudo do gênero

Isnalda Berger, Úrsula Cunha Anecleto


This study aims to discuss classroom work, in the Portuguese Language discipline, with Internet memes as hybrid discursive genres that circulate in new public spheres, based on Information and Communication Technologies. It presents as praxis an educational action with this genre, performed with students of the 9th grade of Elementary School II, in a public school in the interior of Bahia. Theoretically, it is anchored in the studies on memes (RECUERO, 2009); public sphere (HABERMAS, 2011), hybrid genres (SANTAELLA, 2014) and discursive genre (BAKHTIN, 1997). As a methodological course, we opted for a qualitative approach and defined the use of the netnographic method, which refers to the study of phenomena occurring in communities present on the Internet. As a result, we promoted pedagogical actions aimed at the study of Internet memes, emphasizing their structural and discursive elements, which resulted in the interpretation and subsequent construction of memes by the collaborating students of the project. The students were able to understand the communicative functionality of the genre and to problematize cultural and social issues present in the genre, explained from the multimodal and multisemiotic language. We conclude that, as socio-historically situated statements, Internet memes, in addition to contributing to the dissemination of information in the virtual space, provide the formation of opinions and the promotion of debates in classrooms, stimulating, in a creative way, the performance of students in digital public spheres.
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